003 getty images

endless stories

March 8th, 1971. Muhammad Ali faces down Joe Frazier for the title of world heavyweight champion. Through tense 15 rounds, the fighters threw some of the best punches the world has ever seen. But that’s not the only thing that happened on that night.

To communicate the more than 250 MM of images and videos from Getty Images’ Editorial Archive, we created a project that recounts the story of the Fight of the Century – and also all the amazing tales surrounding that night. 


my role:
creative concept


case study

> aicp awards // advertising excellence, international // part of MoMa’s permanent collection (NY)
> cannes lions // gold, film
> cannes lions // silver, entertainment
> cannes lions // silver, film craft (editing)
> cannes lions // bronze, film craft (script)
> cannes lions // bronze, design
> cannes lions // shortlist, digital craft
> D&AD // graphite pencil, film
> D&AD // graphite pencil, brand entertainment
> D&AD // wood pencil, digital marketing
> D&AD // wood pencil, digital design
> D&AD // shortlist - media, writing for ad, direct, digital Design, mkt

> one screen short film festival //  winner, branded entertainment
> clio awards // gold, film (short form)
> clio awards // gold, brand entertainment (film)
> clio awards // silver, branded content (film)
> clio awards // silver, film technique (editing)
> clio awards // silver, digital (mobile)

> FIAP awards // grand prix, film
> FIAP awards // gold, film
> FIAP awards // gold, film craft (editing)
> FIAP awards // gold, film craft (content)
> FIAP awards // silver, digital craft
> shots magazine // bronze, online film of the year

> el ojo // 13x gold (film, 3x digital, 2x content, integrated, 2x digital craft, 2x craft, design, media)
> el ojo
// 3x bronze (craft, media, experience)
> LIA // silver, digital (mobile)
> LIA // 3x silver (film, digital b2b, digital copywriting)
> LIA // 4x bronze (3x non-traditional, 1x film craft)
> ADC // gold, film
> ADC // 2x silver (craft, interactive)
> ADC // 2x bronze (branded content, integrated
> WARC creative 100 // 49º most awarded campaign of 2018
> WARC creative 100 // 67º most awarded campaign of 2019
& a few others