007 getty images


Some of my friends at AlmapBBDO created a three-episode series made entirely with videos and images from Getty Images’ stock and asked me to conceive a digital experience to portray that story.

COMA tells the drama of David, a sarcastic patient in a coma struggling to solve the mystery of his own identity. On the COMA website, users feel as though they’re sinking into the character’s consciousness, down into a deep coma. As David gradually wakes up, you can get a glimpse of what is going on inside his head between the episodes.


my role:
digital creative concept
narrative design

case study

check it out > www.gettyimagescoma.com

> D&AD // wood pencil // digital, creative use of writing (2020)> ccsp // bronze, digital (2020)
> ccsp // in-book, digital (2020)
> clio awards // shortlist // digital, mobile (2019)

> the one show // 2x merit, interactive & online (2020)

> el ojo // gold, digital & social (2019)
> el ojo // silver, digital & social (2019)
> el ojo // silver, digital production (2019)
> el ojo // bronze, brand experience & activation (2019)
> el ojo // bronze, digital & social (2019)